The Mission of the Arizona Society of Pathologists is to promote high quality of practice to our members, to foster effective professional relations and to further educational activities, thereby enhancing health care for our patients
The Arizona Society of Pathologists is composed of approximately 120 pathologists in the state of Arizona, including active practicing, retired, and resident physicians.
The Society is a vigorous and committed organization, involved in educational activities, issues related to the professional practice of pathology, and interaction with other state and national medical groups.
Our 2024 Annual Meeting was held on Saturday, October 5, 2024 - a hybrid in-person/virtual meeting held at Bob Bove Neuroscience Institute, HonorHealth, Scottsdale. We engaged an excellent lineup of speakers as well as exhibitors, a business meeting and reception. Up to 5.5 CME Credit Hours were earned by the attendees
Our annual meetings are held on Saturdays to facilitate attendance by our members and involve scholarly presentations by nationally known pathology educators. In addition, we usually include one or two sessions to address issues of current concern regarding professional aspects of pathology practice.
The Society has representation on its Executive Board for state legislative affairs and the State Department of Health, to monitor and provide pathologists input into legislative and regulatory activities related to the practice of pathology.
First Quarterly Evening Educational Presentation: Wed. March 5th, 2025 at 6 pm:
“Non-Small Cell Carcinoma, Mimics and Pitfalls”
Yasmeen M. Butt, MD, Associate Professor and Consultant
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic Arizona
ZOOM link:
Meeting ID: 857 1221 0063 Passcode: 513418
Arizona Society of Pathologists President’s Message: ASP Needs your support and involvement!
Dear Members and Fellow Practicing and Resident Pathologists:
I am currently assuming the role of Present of the Arizona Society of Pathologists, taking over for Dr. Brian McNally. I would like to thank Dr. McNally very much for his service and commitment to the Society. As many of you know, this will be a second term as President, having served for 2 years before Dr. Anil Prasad. I take on this role with much anticipation and enthusiasm with the hope that we can together grow the Society membership, strengthen our Executive Board and increase participation and engagement of the members in our activities.
It has been an honor and privilege to be a practicing surgical pathologist for 35 years, having worked in both academic and commuinty hospital settings. It cannot be understated that the practice of pathology and medicine has changed dramatically over this time frame and while our advancements are invigorating and server our patients well, we face many challenges to our scope of practice, adoption of digital pathology, economic stability and government regulation. So it is in this backdrop, that a vital Society for all of Arizona's Pathologists continue in the years ahead.
I want to encourage each one of you to get involved in any way that you are able. ASP needs you to be the voice(s) of our state pathology community; to local, state and Federal government and to the College of American Pathologists, to help shape our collective future. This organization can only be as great as its members and those willing to be involved. A strong collective voice can accomplish extraordinary things.
We must all work together in a balanced, strategic, and intentional way to accomplish longevity. It is not merely the giving of financial resources, but giving of one’s expertise, passion, talent, and experience that will help sustain our Society. We need to continue to align with organizations such as ArMA and CAP who have strong advocacy teams dedicated to protecting the best interests of our Society and Medicine as a whole, year-round at a state and national level.
I would also like to thank our Executive board members, ARMA and our Administrative Director Kassie Mueller, and all the sponsors that have supported ASP over the years. We have transitioned maintenance of the web site and administrative functions from ARMA to members of the Board, hopefully temporarily, as we move forward. Please feel free to reach out to me or other Board Members with any questions or concerns or hopefully to serve the Society on the Board or in another capacity. Lastly, let me thank Dr. Prasad for incorporating part of his prior message in the last two paragrahps above.
Respectfully, Rich Eisen
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